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Writer's pictureMarilyn Wright

It's Time to Go!

It's time to go, ladies! It's time to run after your purpose, it's time to run after God, it's time to run where you need to go! You may notice that there are whole lot of new events and gatherings happening and that's because it's time! A sister in Christ of mine by the name of Aleya Robinson recently spoke on the subject of having great expectation, walking by faith and expecting for the dreams, purpose and callings of God on your life to come forth! How many of you are actually in expectation for what God is doing? Or, how many of you are just living life day-to-day, not really excited about life?

Let me tell you, life can get so crazy, busy and even disappointing sometimes, but I have learned that when you focus on what God is calling you to do, you find joy and excitement! Life is worth living when you know your reason for being on this earth. What has God placed on your heart to do? What are you passionate about? What lights your fire where you don't want to stop? In serving God, we are to do those things that we're passionate about in order to help others find Christ.

In the Bible, Isaiah 61 tells us how we are anointed to preach and spread the good news of Christ. Life may initially be dreadful and meaningless for many of us, especially when we don't have faith in Christ or don't know about the hope and future that we have in Christ. And guess what? There are many people out there who may not know about the freedom and joy that they have in Christ and it's our job to tell them! You! You must go and tell them. So, no more holding back. No more delay is allowed miss thing. Walk in the boldness and anointing that Christ has given you, get focused on your purpose and passion in Christ and go!!!

If you are locally in the Cleveland, OH area, I would like to specially invite you to the next mentorship gathering that I have the privilege to direct and spearhead. It is called Leading Ladies Mentorship Circle and I would love to continue this conversation and talk about other things as well. Visit me there, but in the meantime, comment below and tell me which verse of Isaiah 61 speaks to you the most.



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